Wetenschappelijke Reviews door Stichting NIRI voor plaatsing in Journals

Abstract: Economic developments of the last century led to the revision of the attitude to the employment of labor is taking place, you should now create wealth and add value to the new organization could guarantee. Central   organizational strategy to efficiently utilize the capabilities of individual and group research to understand the strategy is. It is therefore essential legal mechanism to record and keep account of wealth, manpower, and is designed to help identify the possible value of human resources with the rest of resources in the commercial language i.e., the account of the comparison and reporting. Human resource accounting is an appropriate response to the needs of organizations (Rvdpshty, 1387 A.H., 479). Effective use of human resources, that is it in comparison with other privileged resources and have dynamic nature, independent living are factors for growing organization. I think you must know human nature and the next step is to capitalize on it, is clearly important.

Abstract: During 1956 to 2011 there was a 5-percent rise in Tehran population, causing the number of resident households of the city become 6.2 folds more. Meanwhile District 22 in Tehran has received much attention with connectivity the urban development of the Tehran, in order to meet skeletal and service needs and the rate of construction grew in it as a population-attraction pole. Construction expansion has increased urban impervious surfaces which consequently will have destructive ecological effects. Due to the ecological importance of pervious surfaces in urban sustainability, the present article analyzes high-rise building in preserving impervious surfaces in urban landscape. Based on the prepared maps from land cover between 2004 and 2014, it has been shown that impervious surfaces in District 22 has decreased 18.45%. On the other hand, through statistical studies it is expected that the process of impervious surface growth increase almost 2.07% until 2022. Since it is estimated that by 2022 a number of 22089 residential units will be required, by means of high-rise building 373.2 hectares of impervious surfaces can be preserved which eventually helps the sustainable urban development in this district.

Abstract: The current study explores how culture at the individual level can predict the Syrian students’ acceptance of E-Learning using an adapted UTAUT model. The Collectivism/ Individualism and the Masculinity/ Femininity values at the individual level were included as predictors to technology acceptance in an “Arab” context. Participants were 36 Postgraduate students enrolled at an Academic and Executive Master’s program at Damascus University (Males = 21, Females = 15; N = 26 > 30 years old, N = 10 < 30 years old). Results indicate that Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, Collectivism and Femininity predict Behavioral Intention. Moderating for gender enhanced the effect of Performance Expectancy for males, and enhanced the association between Femininity and increased Behavioral Intention for female students. Moderating for age enhanced the association between Effort Expectancy and Femininity and increased Behavioral Intentions for students under thirty years old and changed the association from Femininity to Masculinity for students over thirty years old.

Abstract: Every industry is forced at some point undergo the necessary changes. It is necessary to upgrade production routines, introduce new software or diversify offered products. Construction industry has to follow society, market and customers demands. Currently, one of the main building requirements is sustainability. This is related to the development of new building materials and construction technologies. Modern methods of construction (MMC) are one of the ways how to save costs for energy consumption and operations. They are environmentally friendly, able to save natural resources and they are comfortable Keywords: and healthy for their users, but they have not been adopted as much as expected, yet. There are many acceptance theories, which imply the adoption of new technologies and can be applied in every sector. The aim of this paper is to suggest an overview of acceptance theories and to show their use potential in the construction industry, particularly in the acceptance of MMC.

Abstract: New optimality principles are put forth based on competitive model business planning. A Generalized MinMax local optimum dynamic programming algorithm is presented and applied to business model computing where predictive techniques can determine local optima. Based on a systems model an enterprise is not viewed as the sum of its component elements, but the product of their interactions. The paper starts with introducing a systems approach to business modeling. A competitive business modeling technique, based on the author’s planning techniques is applied. Systemic decisions are based on common organizational goals, and as such business planning and resource assignments should strive to satisfy higher organizational goals. It is critical to understand how different decisions affect and influence one another. Here, a business planning example is presented where systems thinking technique, using Causal Loops, are applied to complex management decisions. Predictive modeling specifics are briefed. A preliminary optimal game modeling technique is presented in brief. Conducting gap and risk analysis can assist with this process. Example application areas to e-commerce with management simulation models are examined.

Abstract: The physico-chemical parameters such as PH, temperature, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solid, turbidity, total alkalinity, total hardness, ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, phosphate, sulphate, sulfide and iron were investigated to assess the various water quality parameters along the River course of Gilgel Abay River(GAR). The value of those parameters have been evaluated with respect to guidelines provided by World Health Organization(WHO), Ethiopian drinking water quality standards(EDWQS), Canadian Council of Minister for Environment(CCME) and European Community(EC) to indicate the pollution level of GAR. Overall compliance was 58.93%. From a total of 224 samples, 132 samples (58.93%) complied with WHO guidelines and EDWQS. Turbidity, followed by iron, phosphate and sulfide were the prime river water quality issues identified in GAR. Analysis of variance was used to examine the variations of water quality parameters between the dry and rainy seasons, and the variations along the river courses of Gilgel Abay (upper, middle and lower course). The majority of the parameters showed that there is significant variations of the water quality parameters between the dry and rainy seasons. However, the variations along the river courses of GAR(upper, middle and lower course) were statistically insignificant. This implies that the GAR water quality is influenced by anthropogenic impacts from the upper course to the lower course of the River.

Abstract: Our survival is based on attaining essential nutrients from consuming a depleting resource of other life forms, sacrificing their existence for ours. Stanley Miller’s abiogenesis created a means to avoid this, by producing our essential amino acids from simple gases in abundant supply, creating an avenue for providing a growing population with potential nutrients, cushioning the clash of expanding agriculture with environmental conservation; the global extinction crisis. A new means of supplementing our population (ourselves or as animal feed) would radically cushion the pressures on current agricultural and industrial limitations, allowing a complete reconfiguration of how we use our land and water resources with potential towards achieving the UN’s Millennium/Sustainable Development Goals.

Abstract: One of Mexico’s most severe environmental problems is the high levels of pollution of many of its rivers. For example, the highly polluted Atoyac River in the central Mexican states of Puebla and Tlaxcala has become a potential health hazard for people living in communities nearby. The present work focuses on the relationship between river pollution and diseases of the digestive tract. Based on data collected from six of the most contaminated riverside municipalities two environmental models were developed taking into consideration the health of the entire population, not simply that of its individual members. Such models confirm a direct link between Atoyac River pollution and the incidence of gastrointestinal diseases and could be applied to epidemiological and public health programs aimed at reducing the environmental health impact of river water contamination. The results here presented are the first of their kind and will serve as basis for future research exploring other similarly contaminated riparian communities.

Abstract: Studies on the translations of the Qur’an into English are worldwide. However, to the best of my knowledge, study on translating the conjunctions in the Qur’anic dialogue has not been tackled in particular. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the procedures followed by Arthur Arberry in translating conjunctions in Qur’anic dialogue considering the dialogue between the Prophets and their people as an example. Arberry’s translation is selected because it is a translation written by a non-religious translator without prejudice and is widely prominent among academics. The analysis conducted in this paper is to find out to what extent Arberry’s translation is successful in conveying the intended message of the conjunctions used in the Qur’anic dialogue. To achieve this, some types of dialogue between the Prophets and their people from Arberry’s translation of surah “al-Shu‘arā’” (The Poets) are selected for analysis and compared by Taqī al-Dīn al-Hilalī and Muḥammad Muḥsin Khān’s. Baker’s strategies are taken as criteria in the analytical process. The finding of this paper provides a better strategy for dealing with the translation of the conjunctions which can reproduce the intended meaning of the Qur’anic dialogue for English-speaking readers from a religious and non-religious background.

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